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The Mission of Three Rivers Community Schools is to educate, motivate and inspire all students to reach their full potential, to become successful adults, and to pursue their dreams.

“Zero Mill Tax Rate Bond” – November 5, 2019 Election

On Monday, August 5th, 2019 the Three Rivers Community Schools Board of Education voted to place a $61,345,000 bond proposal on the ballot for the November 5, 2019 election. This proposal will be a ZERO MILL TAX RATE BOND. It will be an extension of the current mills (4.9) the District is levying for 10 years to generate the necessary funds (approx. $61,350.00) to improve and update our facilities and sites.

The decision to move forward with a bond proposal was based on the district’s 15-year Facility and Site Master Plan. This bond will allow us to improve, renovate, and construct new our most urgent facilities and site needs that were identified in the master plan.

The documents below outline the projects to be completed over a nine-year period of time. We have also included a graphic that will provide you the financial picture of this “Zero Mill” Tax Rate Bond.

Bond Proposal Fact Sheet

Bond Proposal

Bond Proposal Fact Sheet

Bond Proposal Fact Sheet Page 2


Bond Proposal Improvements_Andrews Elementary


Bond Proposal Improvements_Norton Elementary


Bond Improvements_Park Elementary


Bond Proposal Improvements_Hoppin Elementary


Bond Proposal Improvements_TRMS


Bond Proposal Improvement TRHS


Bond Proposal Improvements_ Armstrong Community Stadium


Bond Proposal Improvements Central Storage Facility




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